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Tense Chart || learn tense from begining || ENGLISH

                            Tense  1 Present             2 Past               3 Future Indefinite.   Continuous.    Perfect.   Perf. Cont. अनिश्चितकालीन ,निरंतर ,पूर्ण काल ,बिल्कुल सही निरंतर काल   B) Subject {He ,she, it ,we, they, singular noun} C) Verb                                Verb Present.                 Past.              Past Participle Play                         played           Played (1st).                        (2nd).            (3rd) D).  Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया ) Do,does,did,will,shall,is,am,are,was,were,has, have,had etc. E) Other Words     I          am                   going      to     College. (Sub)  ( Helping Verb) ( Verb)  ( Other words)

ZERO IS EVEN OR ODD by aman sharma sir #mathsmania


Zero is an even number. In mathematics, an even number is defined as any integer that is evenly divisible by 2, meaning there is no remainder when dividing it by 2. Since zero can be divided by 2 without any remainder (0 ÷ 2 = 0), it is considered an even number.


Zero is an even number. An even number is defined as any integer that is divisible by 2, with zero being evenly divisible by 2. Therefore, zero meets the criteria of being an even number.

3 / 3

Zero is considered an even number. An even number is any integer that is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder. Since zero can be divided by 2 without a remainder (0 ÷ 2 = 0), it falls into the category of even numbers.

HENCE , Zero is an even number. An even number is defined as any integer that is evenly divisible by 2, meaning it can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder. Since zero divided by 2 equals zero with no remainder, it satisfies the condition for being an even number.


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Tense Chart || learn tense from begining || ENGLISH

                            Tense  1 Present             2 Past               3 Future Indefinite.   Continuous.    Perfect.   Perf. Cont. अनिश्चितकालीन ,निरंतर ,पूर्ण काल ,बिल्कुल सही निरंतर काल   B) Subject {He ,she, it ,we, they, singular noun} C) Verb                                Verb Present.                 Past.              Past Participle Play                         played           Played (1st).                        (2nd).            (3rd) D).  Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया ) Do,does,did,will,shall,is,am,are,was,were,has, have,had etc. E) Other Words     I          am                   going      to     College. (Sub)  ( Helping Verb) ( Verb)  ( Other words)


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Before The Invention Of Zero By Aryabhatt , How 10 , 100 Etc were written ?

ZERO  Before the invention of zero by Aryabhata, numerical systems primarily relied on positional notation, where the position of a digit determines its value. However, the absence of zero posed some challenges in representing numbers. In ancient numeral systems, such as the Roman and Egyptian systems, there was no dedicated symbol for zero. Instead, these systems relied on omission to represent zero. For example, in the Roman numeral system, which was widely used in the Western world, the number 10 was represented by the symbol 'X,' while the number 100 was represented by the symbol 'C.' To represent numbers that were smaller than these, additional symbols were used, such as 'I' for 1 and 'V' for 5 and 'X' for 10 etc.... Aryabhata, an Indian mathematician and astronomer,invented the concept of zero as a numeral in the 5th century. He used a dot underneath numbers to represent zero. This revolutionary idea of zero as a placeholder allowed fo